Graduate Research
As part of the Lucy Institue for Data & Society, I conducting research on NLP bias deterction reguarding homelessness in Southbend.
We are creating a taxonomy based on social media, newspapers, and meeting minutes. We will compare the results amoung other similar cities.
A university article on the research proposal can be found here.
I am advised by Dr. Nitesh Chawla, and the project PIs are Dr. Georgina Curto Rex and Dr. Matthew Hauenstein.
Undergraduate Research
I conducted undergraduate research regarding Knowledge Graphs and Natural Language Processing at Notre Dame’s
Center for Research Computing. We created a Knowledge Extraction pipeline and evaluated 16 trusted, local NLP tools FAA data. Our OMIN (Operation Maintenance Intelligence) dataset can be found here.
Our research article is currently pending publication.
The projects are funded by the Office of Naval Research, and service the DoD.
Qualcomm Internships
I have enjoyed getting to intern at Qualcomm over the past three summers.
Summer of 2021 - I created a dashboard for the audio team to improve the functionality of the KATS (Kymera Automated Test Systems) framework.
As a result, the team uses this display on a daily basis.
This project utilized Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jinja, and Bootstrap.
Summer of 2022 - I created unit tests in C# for QACT (Qualcomm Audio Calibration Tool).
As a result, the team is able to check code functionality easily prior to a new release.
Summer of 2023 - I transitioned the team's build system CMake. As a result, this allows the code to be run across different platforms. This reduced the build time while improving efficiency for unit test analysis.
The Impact of Teaching
I enjoy getting to help others in computer science and in all areas of life.
Whether it is helping a student 1:1 or teaching thousands of students and subscribers through my YouTube videos, I enjoy helping make a difference however I can.
I'm grateful to use my skills in order to help others succeed.
Also, feel free to dive into these Python and C courses if you would like to get started!
Student Government
AI Innovation Council
With the rise of AI, it is critical for the University of Notre Dame to pave the way. As part of the AI council, I have the privledge of being the student representative and am part of the decision making process.
By utilizing AI as a force for good, we can advance research as well as teaching and learning.
The AI Inovation council (formerly callled theNotre Dame Generative AI Taskforce (GAIT)) published recommendations that can be found here.
Graduate: Academic Affairs Committee
As a first year graduate student, I have the pleasure of serving on the Academic Affairs committee. Additionally, I am the student representative on the AI Inovation Council (formerly GAIT).
Undergraduate: Departments of Technology and Faith
During my junior and senior year, I had an active role in the technology department.
I worked to create a prototype wait time tracker for the University Counseling Center.
Furthermore, I helped create a volunteering system to allow students to find opportunties in the greater South Bend community.
I also served as an undergradaute student representative on the Notre Dame Generative AI Taskforce where we worked to implement AI guidelines that will lead the university to success.
Technology and Catholicism
At the University of Notre Dame, I am startting the Technology and Catholicism club which has been approved for January, 2025. The goal of the club is to have conversations with undergraduate and graduate students on how technology can allign with our Catholic values.
Campus Ministry
I have enjoyed guiding others along their faith journey as a sponsor/godparent through the RCIA, Short Course, and OCIA processes, since 2022. I have also had the opportunty to serve as a Hospitality Minister and altar server at the Basillica of the Sacred Heart.
National Running Club Database
In 2024, I was part of a group project that created the National RunninMore information can be found on the about page of the National Running Club Database.
Running Club
I have enjoyed getting to race and lead the team as part of the Notre Dame Running Club!
As race coordinator, I expanded our race schedule, started working to create our first ever home meet, created a results database,
and a team blog.
I'm excited to help our team continue to grow as the first ever media chair!
I enjoy being able to run every day, and currently have one of the top 3,000 running streaks in the world, over 1,000 days and counting!
The Observer
I haved enjoyed taking photos for the Notre Dame Observer. I have taken photos for various sports including soccer, hockey, cross country, and track & field. Highlights include the 2024 NCAA Cross Country Nationals and the 2025 Sugar Bowl. Select photo albumns can be found on my photography page.
Stanford Hall
During my undergrad I was proud to proud to call Stanford Hall home! It is great to welcome freshmen and share in a great dorm culture!
I enjoy helping make the hall a better place and by welcoming people to Mass as Stanford Hall Sacristan and Greeter!
Robotic Football
On the Robotic Football Team, we build robots and compete in a national competition each year.
As an upperclassman on the code team, I enjoy helping to teach underclassmen how to program the robots in
Python. I also have enjoyed being an officer for the past two years!
Engineering Leadership Council
During my undergradaute time at Notre Dame, I enjoyed planning events for the engineers.
As the fundraising and concession stands chair on the Engineering Leadership Council,
I loved getting to coordinate opportunties for my fellow engineers.
Alumni Mentoring
I’ve enjoyed serving as an alumni mentor for the Notre Dame Prep FIRST Robotics and CyberPatriot teams.
Through helping high school students on the Killer Bees Robotics Team, I’ve shown others the impact that coding can have during